The Prosperity Project

20 conversations in 45 days

Jan 8 - Feb 23, 2024

The Prosperity Project is a space for 20 women+ to receive 90 minutes with me, between January 8th and February 23rd, to explore your inner and outer wealth, to grow and share this abundance, and discuss how to move your mindset from scarcity to true prosperity.

These sessions create an opportunity for me to deepen relationships with people in my community (like you!), to learn more about what you need, and to reciprocate the gifts I have received from philosophy by paying it forward. This Prosperity Project is also an expression of my 2024 theme of Generosity.

what Is Prosperity?

I’m gonna be honest. I’ve struggled with this concept of prosperity. As a person tapped into the “coaching” world, I’ve read a lot of books about wealth consciousness, money, and abundance, and I’ve notice that so many seem to focus on shifting your mindset so that you can get more stuff.


A big house! A nice car! Exotic vacations! Fancy meals! Luxurious furniture! Just say the affirmations, manifest it, and you’ll be able to consume more crap than you can handle!


Don’t get me wrong, I like a vision board as much as the next gal. And, I’ll admit, I read the books because I too want more nice things. An updated bathroom. A new paint job on the house. That cute plant holder I saw on Pinterest…If I just had more money….

But all the while, I feel something grating on me. There is this voice saying:


Are you really going to spend your precious life-energy and mental attention trying to get more stuff? You already have so much more than you actually need to survive, and the earth needs us all to share more and consume less. Isn’t there a deeper longing, a deeper set of values inside of you, a different way to spend your life?


I think that deep down, we all know that chasing the endless consumerist wish list is a racket. We know that as humans, we were not meant for this. (If you’ve ever tried explaining capitalism to a six-year-old, you know what I mean. “Why do we need money? Why do you and daddy have to work? Why can’t things just be free?”)

We humans were meant for fresh air, community, play, pleasure, peace, cooperation, love, and connection. Truly, we all want this kind of prosperity for ourselves and for everyone else.


I’ve created the Prosperity Project because I want us all to move toward true prosperity, the kind that comes from the inside out.

By naming and celebrating our existing wealth, we realize that we are richer than we thought, we begin to see how much we already have to give, and we feel our sense of abundance grow.


My own (sometimes Lacking) sense of prosperity

Every year, I choose one word as a personal and professional theme. My theme for 2024 came to me as I read Dickens’s original A Christmas Story out loud to my kid, and I found myself identifying with old Scrooge more than I’d like to admit. That Scrooge guy isn’t so bad, I thought, as I remembered every time I declined to make a charitable donation to an organization, or walked past an unhoused person on the street, or felt indignant about being asked to tip at a convenience store.

But that kind of stinginess comes with a tightness, a panic of Not enough! clutching my stomach. And, ya know, things weren’t looking so good for old Scrooge. I decided I needed to work on it.

Thus, my theme for 2024:



I want the freedom of knowing that I have enough and the satisfaction of sharing my prosperity with others. I think we all do.


So, in honor of my theme of Generosity, I’m starting 2024 by giving away 90-minute coaching sessions to 20 people. One aspect of my existing wealth is my education, experience, and skill in helping people make changes in their own lives. I know that I’m good at it. (Take a look at some testimonials here.) And I want to give to make a difference in a way that I know I can.

I’m also going to be doing a Weekly Gift project in which I give at least one gift every week, and I’ll be reflecting on what that does for my sense of prosperity. You can follow along with me on that in upcoming newsletters. Sign up here.

Stuck in scarcity?

If you are feeling stuck in scarcity, you’re not alone. It can be hard to look at our current lives and not see them lacking by comparison to our dreams. We feel like we don’t have enough time, money, connection, passion, education, knowledge, experience, power, or freedom. Plus, nearly everything in this capitalist world tells us that we are not enough, we don’t have enough, and we don’t do enough. As women and people of other marginalized identities, we are told that our kinds of wealth doesn’t count.

But, as with every other piece of wisdom I’ve learned over the years, I know there is a paradox at work here. As Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money says:

“When we turn our love and attention away from what we think we need to what we already have — financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually — and nourish it, express it, and most importantly, share it, experiences of profound prosperity, wholeness and sufficiency flood our lives.”

It is only through appreciating the abundance we currently have—no matter how much or little we have—that we can actually feel and experience our wealth. There are people with rather small bank accounts who feel rich, and there are plenty of people in this world with huge bank accounts, who don’t ever really enjoy that money or feel rich because they live in an impoverished state of mind.

The capitalist lie of scarcity—telling us to focus on what we don’t have—keeps us stuck. Instead of thinking about all we have and all the ways we could use it to work together to change things for everyone, we just work harder to chase just one narrow definition of prosperity.


  • Feel lighter, freer, and more joyful

  • Have a robust sense of your talents, skills, and resources

  • Feel a deep sense of being enough, having enough, and doing enough

  • Consume less and share more

  • Be more empowered to make positive changes in your community

  • Celebrate, honor, and lift up other women+


Prosperity Project call is 90 minutes and designed to do a few very specific things:

  1. Figure out your current Wealth Story: In what ways are you telling a story of scarcity? Of prosperity?

  2. Explore your vision for true Prosperity: What does your fullest, most prosperous life look like? What actually is enough?

  3. Make a Prosperity Plan: What would it take for you to feel truly prosperous? What would need to change in your inner and outer worlds? How could you go about doing that?

  4. Decide if a Philosophical Coaching Program with me is the next step for you. I offer 6-month one-on-one Philosophical Coaching Programs, and I’m looking for 4 women+ to join me this winter in this transformational relationship.

Projects like this are part of how I connect with my ideal coaching clients and fill the limited coaching spots I have available in my practice each season, but these sessions are designed to have value for you as a stand alone experience.


  1. Immediately and completely transform your life to embody your prosperity vision.

  2. Diagnose or treat any medical condition.

  3. Achieve ultimate spiritual enlightenment.


  • You identify as a woman, womxn, (she/her), non-binary, gender-fluid, and/or queer (they/them).

  • You are looking to experience a deeper sense of wealth, fulfillment, and abundance.


  • You see no need for change in your life.

How do you book one of the 20 spots? 

Please follow these steps:


1. Book a time spot in the Prosperity Project calendar:

Each Prosperity Project Conversation is 90 minutes and recorded for your personal reference. This conversation will take place between January 8th and February 23rd, 2024.

2. Submit a Prosperity Project Prep-Sheet within 48 hours of booking:

Conversations that are booked with no prep-sheet submitted within 48 hours will be canceled. Don’t be quick here. Take 20-30 minutes and really dig into the prep-sheet questions so I can best know how to show up for you during our call. 

3. This is relational work! A booked call is not a guaranteed spot in the project. If, after reading your prep-sheet reflection, I don’t think I am the right coach or this is the right project fit for you, I will kindly cancel our conversation. If we are a fit, my team will send a confirmation email within 24 hours of receiving your Prep-sheet. Please prepare following our carefully crafted recommendations.

5. Show up to your call. Cancellations within 48 hours or no-shows will not be allowed to re-schedule.

we were meant to live together in abundance.

Let’s start now.