The Meaning of Motherhood is an online course that is part philosophy class, part motherhood wisdom circle.
Designed and taught by a PhD in philosophy (and mom), The Meaning of Motherhood course brings compassion, philosophical depth, and critical thinking to motherhood.
Making sense of motherhood is hard.
Let’s do it together.
““Powerful. Transformative. Necessary for mothers and non-mothers alike.””
The Story of Why I Created The Meaning of Motherhood
When I was a new mom, I struggled. I was completely overwhelmed by my new role and the responsibility of keeping a person alive. It put me in a full on existential crisis. And I couldn’t find any spaces to really talk about it with other new parents.
So I made one. Here’s the story.
““Finally, a safe space to have an honest, open and enlightening discussion about the true meaning of motherhood. This course is perfect for those struggling to make sense of the identity shift that takes place when a woman has a baby, and for those that are thinking about starting a family.””
This Course Is For You If…
You want clarity and comfort around motherhood
The creation of a human being is a huge, identity-shaking, profoundly philosophical transformation. It is so hard to wrap your brain around it, and you want some guidance, language, and resources, so you can feel clarity and peace.
You want community with deep-thinkers and system-buckers
The dominant cultural messages around motherhood are largely glossy, flat, caricatures of the real, gritty experience of motherhood. You want to find fellow travelers to re-shape the image of motherhood—bringing it depth, meaning, and power—together.
You Want to Connect to Your Inner motherhood Wisdom
There are so many expectations put on moms and moms-to-be that it’s hard to hear your own knowing—that inner voice that tells you what real, messy, beautiful, authentic-to-you motherhood is. You want to let that voice speak and be heard.
““I loved the depth of this course. A room full of real stories and experiences, hopes and fears. It was magical to feel safe around my confusing and muddy path to motherhood.””
““Something inside me shifted and relaxed. I know I’m not imagining this because my daughters immediately responded to this shift, and THEY have shifted closer to me and are much more relaxed. It’s bizarre—I never expected this to happen, certainly not this quickly. “”
our 6-MODULE journey
Module 1
Embrace the Messiness
In Module 1, we’ll raise many of the deeply philosophical questions that arise in and around the messy experience of motherhood. We’ll also spend the week community-building and establishing this course as a space that we can get real with our fears, regrets, hopes and radical visions for the future. Why are we here and what do we want?
Module 2
Honor the Metamorphosis
In Module 2, we’ll discuss the metamorphosis of motherhood and what it means to develop this new identity. We’ll reclaim “matrescence,” a word to describe the complex physical, emotional, and psychological changes of motherhood. What is lost, what is gained, and how do we understand the transition to motherhood?
Module 3
debunk the Mythologies
In Module 3, we’ll explore some of the personal and cultural mythologies that we carry around that inform our judgments about what a good or bad mom is, and the complex ways they intersect with race, class, and relationship status. How do these messages impact your self-image and well-being? How can we reveal, reject, and rewrite these good mom/bad mom tropes?
Module 4
Grapple with the mortality
In Module 4, we’ll explore how this creation of life can raise a deep sense of vulnerability, anxiety, and confusion about the meaning of mortality and human existence. What does it mean to create a human being that will inevitably suffer and die? What does it mean to be a central character in that being’s story?
Module 5
Realize the mastery
In Module 5, we’ll discuss how the experiences of motherhood provide new insight and mastery of the human experience in a patriarchal, racist, capitalist society. We’ll “realize” this mastery, both by recognizing what we as individuals already know, and by gathering, sharing, and building bodies of knowledge based on our common experiences. How do we find the power in our collective wisdom?
Module 6
Build the Manifesto
In the final Module of the course, we’ll write and share a Motherhood Manifesto. What is our collective vision for a new understanding of motherhood? How do we want to see our own relationships to motherhood and what are our hopes for mothers everywhere? How do we help actualize these visions?
““I most loved the support for women and mothers from a feminist perspective....It was emboldening to be reminded that it’s really not ok and we can still expect change.””
““I found that there are very real reasons that I struggle—because the system in which we live undervalues mothers. I got that I’m not only not crazy, I’m also not alone.””
How we’ll CONNECT
Course Material
Pre-Recorded Video Presentations from Danielle
Reflection Prompts and Resource Lists for Each Module
In the Course Outline, you’ll find all of my pre-recorded presentations of each Module’s material. I’ll explain philosophical concepts, raise provocative questions, and offer challenges/prompts for you to share and discuss in the Activity Feed throughout the course.
Ongoing Community conversation
Available on Desktop and Mobile 24/7
Joining the course gives you lifetime access to the course Activity Feed to share your answers to the Reflection Prompts in conversation and community with others who are working through it with you. Post text, images, videos, polls, and respond to other participants’ posts in a rich, ongoing community conversation.
LIVE MONTHLY discussion Circles
LIVE 10-11am PST the First Weds. of Each Month
Come your insights, questions, concerns in real time with other participants and with me. These sessions will be recorded, so if you miss them, you can watch on your own time and share your input in the Activity Feed.
In the past, I have taught a live, synchronized version of The Meaning of Motherhood. I do not currently have plans to teach a live version again until at least the end of 2022, at the earliest. Join my newsletter mailing list for future upcoming offerings.
“The layout of the course was useful and just outstanding! As an online educator, I am constantly seeking tips and tricks on a more streamlined online platform. While I am limited to our institution’s LMS, navigating through Danielle’s course was so easy, clean, and professional. That didn’t go unnoticed!”
“ The format was great! In person would be nice and create even better connection but frankly I’m not sure I could have pulled it off...the flexibility of online was so valuable. ”
This Course Includes…
Weekly live expert lectures from Danielle LaSusa (that’s me)—who holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy and a Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies—that provide context and grounding for exploring the philosophical components of motherhood
6 hour-long Module Message videos of Danielle giving presentations of philosophical ideas, concepts, and questions
Challenges, prompts, and activities (2 for each module) to help you articulate and clarify your thoughts and feelings about motherhood and gain connection to your voice of inner wisdom
A Community Conversation feed where you can share videos, images, text, polls, comments, and feedback to connect with other course participants. You may also connect with other participants via direct messages.
Access to a Resource Library that includes recommendations, reviews, and links to articles, books, films, TED talks, podcasts, and pop culture outlets that address motherhood in smart and fresh ways.
A monthly newsletter with practical philosophy resources, events, media, and inspirational quote.
““I gained confidence in myself as a woman and mother, strength in my belief in the common experience that motherhood is fucking hard and beautiful.””
““It’s hard to put into words how deeply I have been needing these conversations in my life, and how invaluable they are to my own healing and sense of peace.”
Your Investment
This self-Paced, 6-module series is $249
Scholarships available for those experiencing financial hardship; send email to to inquire. Priority will be given to those from marginalized communities, including people of color and LBGTQ+ people, as well as single parents.
““I gained the sense that I am not alone and that we are all struggling some way to fit into an ideal that may not actually exist. Or at least may not be the majority. I enjoyed hearing other people’s stories and experiences. I really like the openness and range of participants from those considering pregnancy through those with older kids.””
You Belong Here
you need not identify as a mother.
This course has proven valuable to mothers and non-mothers alike. This group includes mothers-to-be, aspiring mothers, those unsure about becoming mothers, partners, supportive family members, perinatal and maternal professionals and practitioners, and interested scholars. I had one alumna say that this course is, “a needed class for ALL mothers or mothers-to-be—should be in high school curriculum!”
you need not identify as a woman.
This course is designed to reflect, amplify, and explore the experiences of mothers, womxn (which includes cis women, trans women, and non-binary people), and the gender expressions that intersect with the identity of motherhood. So many of the class participants have said that they wish their male partners would take this class. I highly encourage men to sign up and for couples to take the class together.
you need not have very young children.
This course has been taken by mothers-to-be who are newly pregnant, mothers with babies just a few weeks old, and mothers whose children are under two, or over five, or whose kids are all teenagers. It is truly inspiring to watch participants ask questions and share the wisdom they’ve gained all along the motherhood journey. While we will spend a week discussing the experiences of early motherhood and the transition to motherhood, we’ll mostly focus on the deeply philosophical questions that motherhood raises, regardless of how old your kids are.
you need not have birthed your children.
There are many paths to motherhood and many types of families. During the course, we will be discussing some physical components of pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum experience that impact many moms, while also understanding that this is not everyone's experience.
This course strives to be an anti-racist, queer friendly, inclusive feminist space.
Part of understanding motherhood is understanding the ways in which it intersects with various systems of oppression along lines of race, class, gender and sexuality. This means having conversations around a diversity of motherhood experiences, some of which are shared and some of which are not. When participants feel like a concept or claim is missing, misunderstood, or misinformed, they are invited to “call in” rather than “call out”—that is, to invite each other in to conversation, rather than to shut down conversation. We are all here to learn, grow, connect, and understand one another better. As Indigenous Australian activist Lilla Watson has said, “If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
What People are Saying
More reviews from Alumni
““The Meaning of Motherhood is the beginning of a revolution.””
““I feel grateful for the space you held and the wisdom you shared and you were a huge light and helped me move forward in this motherhood thing.”
““I gained the validation that what I’m going through is a shared experience among other mothers. I enjoyed seeing some of my own thoughts and experiences reflected in the texts and philosophical ideas we learned about.””
““Profound and affirming!””
““Class discussions were extremely thought-provoking, and we were encouraged to deeply and honestly engage with ideas around motherhood. I appreciated having a judgment-free space to ask my questions and share my hopes and fears about this mind-bending topic, and I came away with a lot of valuable insight, resources, and connections. I would highly recommend this class to all mothers and potential future mothers, as well as their support systems.””
““As someone who does not yet have children of my own, I feel like I have gained a lot of valuable insight into the realities of motherhood that are not often discussed in our culture, and therefore might be better prepared to face them.””
““An important reminder of your truths when your new mom world makes things go fuzzy. Future generations need more empowered mothers.””
““Its a space to begin the giant conversation of what it means to be a woman and a parent, and it is a rarity to be served this kind of content!””
““It’s an opportunity to explore what is operating all around us, cultural and politically that influences our experience of mothers. It puts words to the indescribable experience of becoming a mother.””
““I enjoyed meeting and listening to the other attendees—their stories, their vulnerability, and their questions held more power than I ever could have expected. The way Danielle guided us, gently, and encouraged us to do the hard thinking, gave me a much more diverse understanding and allowed me to consider my plans for motherhood with a conscientious mind, realistic expectations, and open-hearted belief in the plan as well as myself.””
““Empowering. It is a space to explore darker aspects of motherhood and bring them to the light.””
Contact Danielle LaSusa PhD with any questions or concerns about the course.
© 2021 Danielle LaSusa Ph.D., LLC. All rights reserved.