First Name
Last Name
What have you gained, learned, or done, thanks to your work with Danielle? What was your situation before you started working together and what is it like now?
What specific things about working with Danielle were most helpful? Which were least helpful?
What changes, additions, or improvements would you suggest for Danielle's coaching program?
What awesome people or organizations do you think Danielle should know? What introductions, if any, are you eager to make?
Is there anything else you want Danielle to know?
May Danielle use excerpts from your answers above to draft a testimonial for her website and other promotional materials? If you say "Yes" Danielle will email you a draft and it will not be posted until written approval from you.
Testimonials are most powerful when paired with a full name and info, as well as a photo. If you answered "Yes" above, to which of the following do you give permission? (Please check all that apply):
I give permission to use my full first and last name.
I give permission to use my professional title, as stated below.
I give permission to use a photo of me. (Danielle will request this by email.)
If applicable, I give permission to give my relationship to parenthood, (for example, "mother of two"), as stated below.
I give permission to use my full first name and only the first initial of my last name.
I give permission to use only the first initials of both my first and last names.
If you gave permission above, what is your professional title?
If you gave permission above, what is your relationship to parenthood?
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I value your feedback and read every word. I wish you joy, courage, and kindness in all your future endeavors, and please keep me updated!