The best video on fear and anxiety 😱 I've ever seen

A couple weeks ago, I got a note that someone had commented on one of my videos, saying, “It's one of the best videos on fear and anxiety I've ever seen. You deserve tens of thousands of views.”

Of course, that’s a nice thing to hear! I watched back over the video I’d made years ago, and I thought, Huh, that is a good video!

It is perfect for this moment when many of us are feeling really afraid about this state of the world, so, I’m sharing it with you below.

In it, I explain the difference between the sensations of our bodies and the stories in our heads. I suggest that staying connected with the body can turn fear into an experience of heightened aliveness and vitality.

The video also helps explain why my theme this year is “Embodied Action,” and not just “action.”

We need to stay inside our bodies if we’re going to do the hard things of fighting for justice, parenting our children in a frightening world, or even just doing the day-to-day work of getting up, going to work, and caring for ourselves and our homes.

When you click below, you’ll see that comment on YouTube: “It's one of the best videos on fear and anxiety I've ever seen. You deserve tens of thousands of views.”

Maybe give the comment and/or video a little upvote. Who knows, maybe we can make it happen!

Danielle LaSusa Ph.D. is a Philosophical Coach, helping new moms grapple with what it means to make a person. She is the creator of The Meaning of Motherhood course, which explores the changes in identity, meaning, and wisdom that come with motherhood. To join her mailing list, subscribe here.

© Copyright Danielle LaSusa PhD, LCC, 2021. All rights reserved.